Enhance your connectivity towards Cloud Services Providers with an efficient and cost-effective Add-On to your current solutions.
While Cloud Service Providers have long been using peering, companies have only recently started to consider it to cope with the cloudization of their IT. Their demand for peering has increased, especially with the adoption of the multicloud strategy. Peering offers a simple and cost-effective solution to exchange point to point traffic with multiple providers from a single connection port.
With over 500 members, France-IX is the largest internet exchange point in France making it a key player in the industry.
Benefiting from an open and simple model, peering does not come with the burden of highly engaging contracts and can be activated quickly by establishing BGP sessions (Border Gateway Protocol), technology that enables routes exchange between AS (autonomous sustems) of customer and cloud providers.
« We estimated at the time that at least 30% of our traffic could go through peering, a promise that has been largely kept today, since that share has varied between 35% and 50% since we started peering. »
"Corporates drain up to 80 % of their traffic via public peering to access multi cloud content".
"Originally, we did not know how much traffic we were going to pass on France-IX. We had estimated 50 Mbit/s and after a year, we have realized that we had exceeded 250 Mbit/s.”
Available Cloud providers
Your providers are likely to be available, like Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Ikoula, OVH, Salesforce, Scaleway, Twitter, and many more.
Please check our members lists available from Paris and Marseille PoPs
Security is natively embedded within the exchange point infrastructure as well as resilience thanks to metropolitan fibers and routers architecture.
It is also possible to use route servers to facilitate interconnections, that not only reduces the number of BGP sessions to configure but also checks routes legitimacy, their origin and potentially block them in case of anomaly.
The exchange point also enables solutions filtering the traffic in case of DDoS attack.
User can think of peering as an extension of its own infrastructure security.
Peering offers undoubted performance enhancement. Easy to activate via a BGP session without the need for complex network components, it gets quickly setup and operational. It ensures latencies lower than 1 millisecond within core network datacenter where customer and CSPs are hosted.
Peering requires an AS number and public IP addresses, with which enterprises are generally endowed.
Also, customer router should be hosted in a datacenter, which is already the case for a number of them, and order a cross-connect towards France-IX infrastructure. It is also possible to reach France-IX Point of Presence via L2 transport offerings. Traffic is exchanged between enterprise router located in the datacenter and exchange point ecosystem. Enabling BGP sessions allows to receive part of theinternet routes.
BGP knowledge is also inevitable to configure peering port. One common way is to first subcribe to a moderate bandwidth capacity and adjust it based on usage statistics.
Adding peering to your Company's internet architecture
Peering is an Add-On to your current internet connexion that enhances access performance and availability to the France-IX members that your teams need to connect with, like SaaS applications, FAANG, and other content or services providers.
Below is an example of how it can fit within your current network architecture so that on-premise and remotely-working staff can benefit from it and improve their productivity.