

As a non-profit association, France-IX needs to gather up its members once a year so that members can close its accounts and renew its board committee. It is a one-day free event in Paris fully run in English.

The first part of the event is dedicated to the presentation of France-IX’s achievements and future perspectives. The second part of the day is open to contributions from sponsors and partners, allowing attendees to benefit from inspiring and high-quality technical and market insights. The event ends with open discussions where everyone is free to share their opinions and inputs.

Attendees also enjoy the numerous networking opportunities throughout the day, with coffee breaks, the lunch and cocktail at the end of the day. One new feature this year will be the Beer event we are organising just a step away from the venue.

France-IX’s General Meeting is a private event reserved exclusively for its community. By default, only members, partners, sponsors and guests invited by France-IX have the right to participate. France-IX reserves the right to refuse any registration of a non-member.

stats GM 2016

Last year's statistics





Industry Leaders Speakers

New board elected directors


Sponsors since creation

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France-IX GM AG 2018