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  • France-IX opens a new point of presence within DATA4'S Campus of data centers in Marcoussis
  • France-IX opens a new point of presence within DATA4'S Campus of data centers in Marcoussis


    Paris, France – 10 May 2021 –  France-IX, one of Europe's leading Internet Exchanges (IXP), expands into the Marcoussis (91) campus of DATA4, a major French and European operator and investor in the data center market, with the aim to optimise enterprises’ Internet connectivity. This new point of presence will allow DATA4’s customers to directly interconnect with France-IX’s exchange node while France-IX will be able to develop further its peering ecosystem. 


    While operators and contents providers have been connected for a long time using peering, the explosion of data exchanges and Cloud migration lead today businesses to shift even more towards interconnection to exchange nods in order to facilitate their access to Cloud platforms.  


    “By joining an exchange point, enterprises improve performance and have the resilience needed for their critical applications while optimising their costs. France-IX’s new point of presence on the Marcoussis site will enable DATA4’s customers to optimise the way they exchange data, thus leveraging the hybridisation of their platforms towards the Cloud within DATA4’s infrastructure” says Jérôme Totel, Vice-President Strategy, DATA4 Group.


    The installation of France-IX in DATA4’s campus of data centers is part of the group’s expansion strategy, which aims to strengthen its positioning of premier provider of Internet traffic exchange services in France. Originally, members connected to France-IX belong to the IT ecosystem (telecommunications carriers, ISPs, Cloud infrastructure providers…). With the opening of this new point of presence in a campus that hosts large French and internationals groups, France-IX will be able to reach a target group with strong needs for connectivity and thus to extend its ecosystem.


    DATA4, who is very active in the construction of new data centers, addresses an increasing number of various enterprise targets, including IT consulting companies, businesses from a wide range of industries as well as content providers. With the arrival of France-IX, the group is offering its customers the opportunity to interconnect and exchange traffic in a secure, efficient way. 

    “Our installation within DATA4’s campus in Marcoussis reflects our will to address the corporate segment, which is different from our historical members, while meeting the demands of some existing members. By improving access to the Cloud, peering is a key driver for enterprises in tackling the digital transformation challenges. This strategic partnership with DATA4 will enable us to pursue our growth strategy in France by expanding our network and ecosystem” says Franck Simon, President of France IX Services. 


    We are delighted to have France-IX joining our infrastructure through the opening of this new exchange point. This partnership is part of our commitment to develop a significant ecosystem in our campuses in order to allow customers to benefit from a wide range of value added services to support their digital growth. We will thus be in a position to offer our customers to easily interconnect and benefit from France-IX’s network and peering expertise” concludes Alexandre Delaval, Country Manager France & Luxembourg de DATA4 Group.



    About France-IX

    Premier provider of Internet traffic exchange services in France, France-IX merged in December 2020 with Rezopole in order to consolidate its role of leading multi-service interconnection platform in France and offer a wide range of services to its members. 

    France-IX offers public and private interconnection services through its carrier and data centre neutral exchange points in Paris, Marseille and Lyon, as well as additional services including equipment hosting, NAP (Network Access Point), technical training or industry promotion services. 

    The group interconnects several hundreds of players (telecommunications carriers, ISPs, content and cloud infrastructure providers) and all other Internet networks worldwide with significant traffic on the Internet French market. Its services are aimed at all organisations seeking to optimise their costs and Internet connection as part of their digital transformation.


    Founded in June 2010 with the support of the French Internet community, France-IX has over 500 members today and bears the following values: neutrality, sustainability and constant improvement of the Internet. For more information, please visit the France-IX website: www.franceix.net.


    À propos de DATA4 Group (in French)

    Fondé en 2006, DATA4 est un opérateur et investisseur européen majeur sur le marché de data centers. Le Groupe finance, conçoit, construit et opère ses propres data centers afin de fournir à ses clients (opérateurs de cloud internationaux, grands opérateurs télécom, entreprises innovantes de la tech ou multinationales) des solutions d’hébergement de données évolutives, hautement performantes, sécurisées et respectueuses de l’environnement. Le Groupe exploite les campus de data centers les plus puissants d’Europe, et opère à ce jour 21 data centers en France, en Italie, en Espagne et au Luxembourg. 

    Disposant de réserves foncières et électriques (129 hectares et 209 MW disponibles) uniques sur le marché européen pour accompagner la croissance de ses clients, ses infrastructures s’appuient sur un design de haute qualité et sur un portefeuille de services extrêmement riche et évolutif qui s’adapte parfaitement aux besoins des clients (de l'hébergement d’une simple baie jusqu’à un bâtiment dédié).
    DATA4 Group propose une approche novatrice avec sa solution sur mesure D4 Smart Datacenter qui permet aux clients de suivre en temps réel les différents indicateurs de performance et environnementaux de leurs espaces d’hébergement et de leurs équipements (température, hygrométrie, consommation d’eau et d’énergie et émission de gaz à effet de serre). Le Groupe propose en outre l’accès à un riche écosystème de partenaires et à une palette de services logistiques et opérationnels complète, notamment la connectivité à plus de 220 destinations cloud et opérateurs télécom.
    Pour en savoir plus : https://www.data4group.com/



    Contacts presse :


    Grayling for France-IX & DATA4

    Manuel Chaplet : Manuel.Chaplet@grayling.com / 07 62 77 69 57

    Raphaële Coulot-Brette : Raphaele.Coulot-Brette@grayling.com  / 07 62 77 77 80




    Akéla Bendjeddou


    +33 (0)1 86 95 61 94


    France-IX merges with rezopole